This is my first blog post and sadly it isn't too exciting - I am in the airport waiting for the first of my four flights!! After getting home from Providence on Thursday night around midnight, I spent yesterday unpacking from my apartment and repacking until around 2:45 am and got up at 5 am to get to the airport in plenty of time. As most everyone knows, there is extreme flooding in Bangkok, Thailand right now so I unfortunately my trip has been delayed a few days and I had to cancel my trip to see my friend Peem in Bangkok. Instead of leaving on Thursday and spending three and a half days in Bangkok exploring with Peem, I am instead flying to Bangkok today, getting in at midnight Sunday night - 27 hours after leaving Logan - spending the night in a hotel (hopefully) and then headed to Phuket Monday afternoon. I'll try to check in at our airport hotel in Phuket on Monday afternoon and then head back to the airport around midnight to meet Nancy!! I am very excited and was actually very sad to leave the US but I know there are many adventures ahead of me. I am about to board a plane to DC, then onto Tokyo then to Bangkok so I'll post again next time I have internet and hopefully by then I can figure out how to upload pictures because I tried but have been unsuccessful so far.
LOVE this post!!! Safe travels, talk to you soon!! Can't wait until the next post!