Thursday, December 8, 2011


I know I haven't written in a while and it's because I've done nothing but lay in bed for the past 10 days and be sick.  After the meds from the clinic I went to were doing nothing and things were getting worse, I ended up going to the hospital on Saturday where I saw a doctor that prescribed a whole new set of medications and some weird cough syrups to drink.  I got x-rays on my chest and on my face to see what the problem is but they couldn't really come up with anything other than bronchitis and a "nose and throat" infection even though my throat doesn't hurt in the least and the only thing that really hurts is my ears.  The doctor didn't speak too much English and six days later, I haven't improved and I still can't hear anything out of either of my ears.  I keep waiting for all of this medication to work but since it hasn't, I guess I'm headed back to the hospital this weekend.  I did start at my new school yesterday because I had to, but let me tell you,  I am more exhausted than I have ever been in my whole life!!  I'll take pictures soon of my kids and my classroom (yes I have a classroom) and give more details on my school days as I figure them out.  Since I can't hear much out of my ears, it has been very difficult to understand what is going on around me but I will slowly figure it out.   It's six pm and almost time for bed for me!

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